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Encouraging Fussy Eaters to Try New Foods

Encouraging Fussy Eaters to Try New Foods

Encouraging Fussy Eaters to Try New Foods
Encouraging Fussy Eaters to Try New Foods

When your kids are picky eaters , meal time can be daunting. It can be stressful for both parent and child , and we all know that this is not how you should enjoy your meal. When children act during a meal , usually in response to the anxiety they feel. Children eat signs that her parents are on the gift, and if you are afraid of food, most likely they will too . Difficult children can cause a lot of tension around lunch time for them and their caregivers. The introduction of new foods and flavors can scare small children , and when the rejected food can scare parents too.

This may be exaggerated by the voltage parents fear that their children will not have sufficient sources to power its small body occupied . Parents should just relax . Most of the studies showed no significant association between difficult eating habits in young children, and poor diet . Remember that the most staples that you buy in a supermarket are enriched with essential nutrients, so that the true deficiencies are rare .

However, it is always a good idea to give your child a balanced diet, because once you are used to eating a variety of foods , it can become a lifelong habit . As a parent , you can encourage your child to try new foods actually allowing them to participate in the cooking and shopping. Here are some ideas :

they buy

The next time you visit your supermarket , let your child choose something they've never eaten before the fresh produce , meat and dairy departments . Stipulate that it must taste the food of their choice. If you 're ready for it , you can choose something new for your taste buds as well , to encourage your child through games and competition .

Help in the kitchen

Preparing meals can be a great pleasure and a learning experience for your child. Of course , you must be prepared for a bit of a mess , but the effect can not take your child wanting to try the food they helped prepare . Of course, he enjoys spending time with you too.

Try and try again

Usually, you do not have a fussy eater to try new foods in the first round. Research shows that it takes at least eight times to offer food to a child before the "no" becomes "yes" or at least a "maybe ." You can encourage your child to try something new by saying your favorite person ( a relative, family friend or TV character , for example) like to eat because it makes them bigger and stronger.

Keep it simple

If your kids are picky eaters, do not spend a lot of time and energy in preparing a meal. If you have not spent much time in a meal , you will not feel so frustrated if your child does not want to eat . The less stress you will be in the world.


Children end up hungry. When you see that your child looks around snacks is your chance! Ask them to sit at the table and have a mini- meal. When they are hungry are more likely to eat what they see before them. The trick is not to let it fill with unhealthy snacks when their little stomachs are rumbling .

Give them the choice

Children of a certain age have an increased sense of independence , and often imposed by saying "no" to food that is offered. Give them a choice instead : "Do you want pasta or chicken for dinner ? " Your son made ​​his own decision , but now it is between what you should eat, rather than whether to eat, so everyone wins!

Mick McMullin is the author of the site [ http://www.toddletees.com ] , which established to discuss and examine all matters relating kiddie - . I like to say that it is written from the point of view of a father, but his lovely wife Emma has a great influence too !