Children are likely to eat what their parents. As parents , it can be a positive role model for healthy eating . Buying and preparing healthy meals , Healthy Diet you can establish a healthy diet at home.
A healthy environment at home is a good start, but the kids take most of their meals at school. By sending your kids to school with nutritious lunches and encouraging healthy for school events choice , it can also help to create a healthy food environment in schools.Healthy Diet
Providing healthy food in schools improves student learning . Research shows that children who eat a healthy diet are:
• more willing to learn ;
• more likely to achieve better results at school ;
• less likely to have chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.
The government is working with schools , educators and parents to promote healthy eating in schools . In April 2008 , the Law on the Healthy Food for Healthy Schools was adopted to make healthier school environment for learning . By working together and do our part , we can help our children to make healthier choices.
Create a healthy school environment
The idea of supporting the Act on Healthy Eating for Healthy Schools is to help children make healthier food choices. This means that the healthy and tasty foods should be made available to children in schools.
In September 2011 , the Ontario schools to implement the policy on food and drinks in schools. Provides guidance on the types of foods that can be sold in school cafeterias , vending machines and school events . Policy helps schools determine what foods may or may not sell.
Your children need YOU
Whenever possible, try to participate in the school life of your child, Healthy Diet ensuring that the food offered at school are healthy. Make your voice heard . Here are some ideas :
• Talk with your child and tell him why healthy foods are important in school and why some foods that could be purchased during the previous school year are no longer available .
• Prepare meals and snacks to school with your child.
• Join a committee of parent / teacher to help make good decisions about school meals proposed .
• Opt for healthy cooking sale to raise funds and ideas Cook it Up recipes! (English only ) .
What can we do to encourage healthy eating?
Policy on food and beverages in schools covers only food sold at school. It does not apply to food from home . Does this mean that you should not put anything in any lunch box for your child? No, especially if encouraged to eat healthy! It is important to be consistent and provide healthy meals for their children at home and at school . This will help them learn to make healthy food choices.
At the supermarket :
Choose products from all the food groups in Canada's Food Guide .
Go shopping with your children to teach them to make good decisions .Healthy Diet They can learn the value of food, provenance and revenue opportunities .
Teach your children to read food labels . Watch these videos on nutrition labeling of their children.
During food preparation :
Involve children in the selection and preparation of foods. When children are involved in food preparation are more likely to consume .
Get creative ! Use cookie cutters to make sandwiches into fun shapes , make fruit kebabs and pastries offer whole grain low fat . Read FAQ prepare healthy meals and snacks for students for more ideas .
During the meal :
Eat together as often as possible. Children who eat with their parents ( at least four times per week) tend to eat more fruits and vegetables , increased fiber intake , eat less fried foods and drink less soda .
They are also less likely to be overweight or obese.
Be a good role model. When you make healthy food choices for you, you teach your children to eat healthily.
In conclusion :
Promoting healthy diets , helping to feed their children at school and at home. Bring your kids to the grocery store , prepare healthy meals and promote healthy activities in school. Healthy Diet As a model for your children, you should teach them healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.