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Fitness and Recovery: How to Recover More Efficiently

Fitness and Recovery How to Recover More Efficiently

The recovery process is a key element for all athletes , fitness enthusiasts and fans and that can not be ignored if we want to increase the performance,Fitness and Recovery preservation of the body and prevent serious injury factor .

It's back to a normal physiological state , reset the levels of energy, nutrients and fluids to reduce pain and eradication of psychological symptoms.

To achieve a better recovery process there must be a certain level of awareness of the basic principles and how best to apply each of the following tips.

Then, six key considerations for a successful recovery elements.

1 - gradual reduction in the intensity of 10 to 20 minutes to accelerate the elimination of lactic acid from muscles and blood. Fitness and Recovery

2 - A diet rich in rapidly absorbed carbohydrates such as dextrose , sucrose or maltodextrin in the first 24 hours after an intense work and bring along muscle glycogen back to an optimal level. For best results these should we start taken in liquid form at 15 minutes to complete the work .

3 - amino acids supplied by protein intake stimulates better results in muscle building and repair process.

4 - Water not only replaces all electrolytes lost by the body during exercise, more rapidly filtered by the kidneys. For this reason, in particular, fluid intake should be accompanied by a mixture of electrolytes to replenish the levels of sodium and potassium.

5 - In addition to the sweat of the body loses fluid to be replaced . Fitness and Recovery These fluids are necessary to maintain the blood volume necessary for the transport of nutrients to the muscles.

6 - break deep sleep of good quality is the key to a good recovery after a hard work out. The opposite can affect performance, causing fatigue and weakness in the coming sessions .

It is also recommended to follow a diet rich in antioxidants vegetables, dairy products and eggs . Avoid processed an option for fresh food and other raw instead of reducing or eliminating the use of tobacco and alcohol foods.

If possible to incorporate multivitamins containing both E and B complex and supplement their diet with supplements , such as leucine , taurine and glutamine addition of particularly using powder to protein amino acids prevent loss and muscle volume. Fitness and Recovery

Muscles are made ​​up of about 70% of the reason why the water prevent excessive dehydration is also a fundamental element to protect the muscle for enhanced recovery .